I wonder if there is hope yet? Are the brain-dead not as stupid as we have been led to believe?
I think it can be accurately paraphrased as “If you act like shit, you will ultimately be wiped off the heel of humanity”
Monday, 20 August 2012
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Has the Sun Fried Willy-boys Brain?
Can it really be true that Britain is making this threat? Do they not realise the implications? The only nation I can think of that attacked an Embassy was Iran and it remains a pariah State. For fucks sake, even the North Koreans play nicely where embassies are concerned!
Does Hague actually plan to cede the moral high ground and endanger every western diplomat on the planet who operates in a so-called oppressive regime? Can he actually be that fucking stupid?
Article 22 of the Vienna Convention states:
The premises of a diplomatic mission, such as an embassy, are inviolate and must not be entered by the host country except by permission of the head of the mission. Furthermore, the host country must protect the mission from intrusion or damage. The host country must never search the premises, nor seize its documents or property.
Is that clear enough for you and your TIU? No big words there, even your thick pointy-hatted bullies should be able to understand. Tell Plod to have a fucking good look at the second sentence - Ecuadorians are South American, they're nearly black! That means you have to fawn over them, make special allowances and turn a blind eye when they break the law - which they haven't. All they've done is allow the world's biggest gossip to lodge with them for protection because powerful people have been embarrassed by his tittle-tattle.
Can it really be true that Britain is making this threat? Do they not realise the implications? The only nation I can think of that attacked an Embassy was Iran and it remains a pariah State. For fucks sake, even the North Koreans play nicely where embassies are concerned!
Does Hague actually plan to cede the moral high ground and endanger every western diplomat on the planet who operates in a so-called oppressive regime? Can he actually be that fucking stupid?
Article 22 of the Vienna Convention states:
The premises of a diplomatic mission, such as an embassy, are inviolate and must not be entered by the host country except by permission of the head of the mission. Furthermore, the host country must protect the mission from intrusion or damage. The host country must never search the premises, nor seize its documents or property.
Is that clear enough for you and your TIU? No big words there, even your thick pointy-hatted bullies should be able to understand. Tell Plod to have a fucking good look at the second sentence - Ecuadorians are South American, they're nearly black! That means you have to fawn over them, make special allowances and turn a blind eye when they break the law - which they haven't. All they've done is allow the world's biggest gossip to lodge with them for protection because powerful people have been embarrassed by his tittle-tattle.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
The God-botherers are upset
actually, thoroughly and righteously pissed off would be more accurate:-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h6ZOariT2Q (there are versions for Catholics and Evangelicals as well)
No wonder the Obamamessiah is spending so much time on the golf course - he'll have f**k all else to do after November. All those Christians being urged to vote for a Mormon. Just shows the depth of hatred and division he has created in four short years.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h6ZOariT2Q (there are versions for Catholics and Evangelicals as well)
No wonder the Obamamessiah is spending so much time on the golf course - he'll have f**k all else to do after November. All those Christians being urged to vote for a Mormon. Just shows the depth of hatred and division he has created in four short years.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Thoughts for the Day
Perhaps the best example I've ever seen of the anti-white meme that is now so prevalent. It's only a cartoon, but how many of us have been on the receiving end of the same bullshit?
And Wild Bill always succinctly gets to the nub of the issue. His words are true for any western nation.
And Wild Bill always succinctly gets to the nub of the issue. His words are true for any western nation.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Not Content with Fucking the Planet, it seems they Fuck Anything That Moves
The animal kingdom joins the Counterjihad.
A few weeks ago, in Almeria, on the Spanish coast just across from Africa, a North African illegal turned up for emergency treatment at Torrecárdenas hospital. Some of the bones of his face had been smashed in and he had suffered multiple hematomas.
Later it emerged that the Muslim had suffered these injuries while visiting a farm in El Ejido, intending to have sex with a horse there. But the horse had other ideas. It brutally kicked the lovelorn Muslim in the face. It seems the farmer had caught the same Muslim twice before sneaking into the farm to have sex with the animals ("mainly the horses") but hadn't bothered filing charges against him.
After receiving medical treatment, the police identified the Muslim as an illegal immigrant and he is now expected to be deported from the country. Seems a bit tough on the Camels.
A few weeks ago, in Almeria, on the Spanish coast just across from Africa, a North African illegal turned up for emergency treatment at Torrecárdenas hospital. Some of the bones of his face had been smashed in and he had suffered multiple hematomas.
Later it emerged that the Muslim had suffered these injuries while visiting a farm in El Ejido, intending to have sex with a horse there. But the horse had other ideas. It brutally kicked the lovelorn Muslim in the face. It seems the farmer had caught the same Muslim twice before sneaking into the farm to have sex with the animals ("mainly the horses") but hadn't bothered filing charges against him.
After receiving medical treatment, the police identified the Muslim as an illegal immigrant and he is now expected to be deported from the country. Seems a bit tough on the Camels.
Monday, 16 July 2012
Is there actually any point to Pakistan?
Just watched this interesting documentary on Afghanistan
A couple of things struck me. The first is the staggering statistic that, despite the war, the shithole is responsible for 95% of the worlds heroin supply.
Then I remembered a story about Bill Gates investing in Monsanto (http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20100830/12233610823.shtml) because he thinks interfering in the natural order of things will somehow result in feeding the starving hordes, when, in fact, possibly the best thing he could do is help prevent the human equivalents of locusts breeding in the first place by funding compulsory birth control for the third world.
And it struck me – surely Bill has enough money to pay Monsanto to develop a opium poppy-specific plant disease? I suspect that act would do more good to the planet, as a whole, than saving any number of starving Africans.
The other point was the amount of ‘prescription’ drugs produced by Pakistan. Are these produced for western consumption or are they rip-offs? I don’t think I want drugs produced in such a place for myself and my family. And if they are counterfeited products, what is being done about it?
Is there actually any point to Pakistan?
A couple of things struck me. The first is the staggering statistic that, despite the war, the shithole is responsible for 95% of the worlds heroin supply.
Then I remembered a story about Bill Gates investing in Monsanto (http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20100830/12233610823.shtml) because he thinks interfering in the natural order of things will somehow result in feeding the starving hordes, when, in fact, possibly the best thing he could do is help prevent the human equivalents of locusts breeding in the first place by funding compulsory birth control for the third world.
And it struck me – surely Bill has enough money to pay Monsanto to develop a opium poppy-specific plant disease? I suspect that act would do more good to the planet, as a whole, than saving any number of starving Africans.
The other point was the amount of ‘prescription’ drugs produced by Pakistan. Are these produced for western consumption or are they rip-offs? I don’t think I want drugs produced in such a place for myself and my family. And if they are counterfeited products, what is being done about it?
Is there actually any point to Pakistan?
Friday, 13 July 2012
The Establishment is Getting Severely Rattled.
Toni McLeod
is pregnant and her husband is a serving soldier in Afghanistan. For a
short time, she was a member of the English Defence League.
That prior membership has caught the attention of British Social Services, who now say that Toni poses a threat to her unborn child because she may radicalize it.
In fact, this is so outrageous that she is being backed by a very liberal MP.
Her plight has been taken up by Lib Dem MP John Hemming who, despite his hatred for the EDL, brought the issue up in the Commons. He compared her treatment with Abu Qatada, the extremist Islamic cleric, who was allowed to stay with his children when he was remanded on bail earlier this year as the Government tries to deport him.
He said: “It raises a curious question as to why Abu Qatada is allowed to radicalise his children but the state won’t take the chance of allowing Toni McLeod to look after her baby in case she says something social workers won’t like.
“I am very strongly opposed to the EDL, which I believe to be a racist organisation, but I do not think we should remove all of the children of the people who go on their demonstrations, however misguided they may be.”
In South America last week, Fascist Colonels were finally jailed for stealing babies from left-wing Mothers before killing the Mothers. I have always maintained Social Workers are the very worst of people, the absolute dregs of inhumanity - interfering, pitiless bastards to their cores. Evidently, British Social Workers are no better than fascist scum and are quite happy to be complicit in Crimes Against Humanity.
That prior membership has caught the attention of British Social Services, who now say that Toni poses a threat to her unborn child because she may radicalize it.
In fact, this is so outrageous that she is being backed by a very liberal MP.
Her plight has been taken up by Lib Dem MP John Hemming who, despite his hatred for the EDL, brought the issue up in the Commons. He compared her treatment with Abu Qatada, the extremist Islamic cleric, who was allowed to stay with his children when he was remanded on bail earlier this year as the Government tries to deport him.
He said: “It raises a curious question as to why Abu Qatada is allowed to radicalise his children but the state won’t take the chance of allowing Toni McLeod to look after her baby in case she says something social workers won’t like.
“I am very strongly opposed to the EDL, which I believe to be a racist organisation, but I do not think we should remove all of the children of the people who go on their demonstrations, however misguided they may be.”
In South America last week, Fascist Colonels were finally jailed for stealing babies from left-wing Mothers before killing the Mothers. I have always maintained Social Workers are the very worst of people, the absolute dregs of inhumanity - interfering, pitiless bastards to their cores. Evidently, British Social Workers are no better than fascist scum and are quite happy to be complicit in Crimes Against Humanity.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
I might vote Socialist/Green at the next Election ...
| ||
only true wilderness is between the ears of those on the UK Opposition benches and the Coalition partners.
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Names Have Been Changed to Protect the Guilty
‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi
Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by
In Britain today there are over two million National Socialists living mainly in large enclaves separate from the rest of British society.
lives are guided by the tenets taken from a book that orders them not
to make friends with anyone who is not a National Socialist, in fact it
instructs them to either kill non-followers or force to submit to
slavery those who do not convert to their ideology…the book states that
it is their duty to spread the ideology and one day to enforce it upon
The book praises the ‘family’ and women but ideally would prefer women to be kept at home as housewives…respected but different from men in authority and ability to run their own lives.
The book imposes severe and draconian punishments upon those who commit the ‘crime’ of adultery amongst others.
At times impatient ‘hotheads’ will strike out at the non National Socialist community and government using extreme violence in order to raise awareness and terrorise the Establishment into appeasing them…the Establishment ‘recognises’ their grievances and hands out money and positions of influence in order to ‘assure’ the minority that ‘they’ are part of the national concern.
The National Socialists use this influence and the undertow of threat to continue to press for even more concessions towards their ideology and thus successfully subvert the established community by forcing them to slowly adopt, bit by bit, their National Socialist values…..such as dietary requirements, clothing and the compulsory learning of their ideology in schools…and all supported by a public service broadcaster which is worried that to be critical of the ideology would only antagonise the National Socialists and lead to anger, fear and violence from that community and possibly between communities.
Therefore in order to ‘keep the peace’ nothing will be said about an ideology that is at heart violent, racist and oppressive….nor the fact that it is spreading at an alarming rate.
The public broadcaster cannot ask the question ‘What will be the consequences to this country if the National Socialist community is allowed to grow and force its ideology upon an ever greater swathe of the country?’
It cannot ask the question because the answer would be terrifying for all who value democracy, liberty, and peace.
Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.
Would the BBC throw Mein Kampf …
……”the new Koran of faith and war: turgid, verbose, shapeless, but pregnant with its message.”
in the Room 101 bin?
In Britain today there are over two million National Socialists living mainly in large enclaves separate from the rest of British society.

The book praises the ‘family’ and women but ideally would prefer women to be kept at home as housewives…respected but different from men in authority and ability to run their own lives.
The book imposes severe and draconian punishments upon those who commit the ‘crime’ of adultery amongst others.
At times impatient ‘hotheads’ will strike out at the non National Socialist community and government using extreme violence in order to raise awareness and terrorise the Establishment into appeasing them…the Establishment ‘recognises’ their grievances and hands out money and positions of influence in order to ‘assure’ the minority that ‘they’ are part of the national concern.
The National Socialists use this influence and the undertow of threat to continue to press for even more concessions towards their ideology and thus successfully subvert the established community by forcing them to slowly adopt, bit by bit, their National Socialist values…..such as dietary requirements, clothing and the compulsory learning of their ideology in schools…and all supported by a public service broadcaster which is worried that to be critical of the ideology would only antagonise the National Socialists and lead to anger, fear and violence from that community and possibly between communities.
Therefore in order to ‘keep the peace’ nothing will be said about an ideology that is at heart violent, racist and oppressive….nor the fact that it is spreading at an alarming rate.
The public broadcaster cannot ask the question ‘What will be the consequences to this country if the National Socialist community is allowed to grow and force its ideology upon an ever greater swathe of the country?’
It cannot ask the question because the answer would be terrifying for all who value democracy, liberty, and peace.
Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.
Would the BBC throw Mein Kampf …
……”the new Koran of faith and war: turgid, verbose, shapeless, but pregnant with its message.”
in the Room 101 bin?
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
The Free Men of England ??
Seems you poor sods left in the homeland had better start being VERY careful what you say and post.
Please circulate as widely as possible as the MSM and DTP are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Human rights, it seems, are all very well where Johnny Foreigner is concerned but not for the English. Don’t hold your breath for Amnesty to start making a fuss.
Please circulate as widely as possible as the MSM and DTP are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Human rights, it seems, are all very well where Johnny Foreigner is concerned but not for the English. Don’t hold your breath for Amnesty to start making a fuss.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
(Not) A Statement from Ed Milliband
“I, along with my Labour colleagues very much regret the way my party has for decades vigorously quashed any meaningful debate about immigration. We feel in some way responsible for having ensured the censorship and marginalisation of those wishing to expose these evil crimes and as a consequence creating the climate and conditions for the racially motivated rape of English children to reach epidemic proportions.”
“What we have done, whilst grovelling for votes from the Muslim community, is to systematically betray the white working class we purport to represent. In effect we have sold the children of those families to the Islamic community in exchange for our highly paid political positions. Not only that, in so doing we have sought to protect ourselves from exposure by seeking to imprison our political opponents from Damien Green to Nick Griffin. This massive betrayal of the British people has been achieved with the complicity of a totally rigged and biased media and high level corruption in the civil service.”
“How on earth we justified the sweeping under the carpet the rape,murder and prostitution of our own children in a blatant attempt to head off support for the political right, I will never know.”
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Give Us This Day Our Smith & Wesson
Not for the first time, handing responsibility to citizens for their own protection sees a fall in crime:-
Mauser, in a report to the UK Home Office, demonstrated that murder rates have risen every year in the UK since the handgun ban.
So, when are UK citizens going to get their rights back? The TUI (Thugs In Uniform) now only carry out the bidding of the socialist Cameron parliament acting, as they were converted to do under Bliar and Bruin, as tax collectors.
Plod is not fit for purpose, more concerned in protecting the ‘rights’ of scum, paedostanis and other sundry miscreants (homegrown and imported varieties) than protecting the property or person of the law-abiding majority that are forced to fund their ever-more expensive toys (fast cars and helicopters being the latest examples). The entrance criteria (mental and physical) for the Force should be used to identify the brightest, strongest and bravest, not used to identify the dumbest as potential officers, along with weak women, short-arses and any ethnic, deviant or pervert that applies.
In an equal, multi-cultural society, how can there be a black coppers association or shirt-lifters group? Where’s the white coppers association, the happy heterosexual club?
Mauser, in a report to the UK Home Office, demonstrated that murder rates have risen every year in the UK since the handgun ban.
So, when are UK citizens going to get their rights back? The TUI (Thugs In Uniform) now only carry out the bidding of the socialist Cameron parliament acting, as they were converted to do under Bliar and Bruin, as tax collectors.
Plod is not fit for purpose, more concerned in protecting the ‘rights’ of scum, paedostanis and other sundry miscreants (homegrown and imported varieties) than protecting the property or person of the law-abiding majority that are forced to fund their ever-more expensive toys (fast cars and helicopters being the latest examples). The entrance criteria (mental and physical) for the Force should be used to identify the brightest, strongest and bravest, not used to identify the dumbest as potential officers, along with weak women, short-arses and any ethnic, deviant or pervert that applies.
In an equal, multi-cultural society, how can there be a black coppers association or shirt-lifters group? Where’s the white coppers association, the happy heterosexual club?
Sunday, 17 June 2012
The Dumbest of Dumbfucks
Salafist group warns tomatoes are “Christian”

(Photo via Facebook.com)
This makes perfect sense... because it makes no sense.
A Salafist group called the Popular Egyptian Islamic Association has come under fire after sending out a warning on Facebook urging its followers not to eat tomatoes because the vegetable (or fruit) is a Christian food.
The group posted a photo on its page of a tomato - which appears to reveal the shape of a cross after being cut in half – along with the message: “Eating tomatoes is forbidden because they are Christian. [The tomato] praises the cross instead of Allah and says that Allah is three (a reference to the Trinity).
[God help us]. I implore you to spread this photo because there is a sister from Palestine who saw the prophet of Allah [Mohammad] in a vision and he was crying, warning his nation against eating them [tomatoes]. If you don’t spread this [message], know that it is the devil who stopped you.”
Yeah... no.
Predictably, Facebook users expressed outrage over the post, which prompted the group to clarify its stance on the controversy with the update, “We didn’t say you can’t eat tomatoes. We said don’t cut it in [such a way that reveals] the cross shape.”
I see what you did there. Crazy religious nutjobs are still crazy.
I wonder if the Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate, Mohammad Morsi, is happy about getting an endorsement from this group?
And I'll add my two'pennorth to justify the headline. If,as they claim, Allah created all things - then he created the Tomato, complete with cross!
Islam don't like exposure
Is the following 'hate speech'?
“Muslims are the vilest of animals…”
“Show mercy to one another, but be ruthless to Muslims”
“How perverse are Muslims!”
“Strike off the heads of Muslims, as well as their fingertips”
“Fight those Muslims who are near to you”
“Muslim mischief makers should be murdered or crucified”
Yet change the word 'Muslim' for 'Christian' and every line comes from the Koran and Hadiths.

And isn't it a strange religion that punishes sex between consenting adults but permits it with the dead?
The full story here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160889/Christian-protestors-taunt-Arab-Americans-pigs-head-stake-Detroit-festival.html
“Muslims are the vilest of animals…”
“Show mercy to one another, but be ruthless to Muslims”
“How perverse are Muslims!”
“Strike off the heads of Muslims, as well as their fingertips”
“Fight those Muslims who are near to you”
“Muslim mischief makers should be murdered or crucified”
Yet change the word 'Muslim' for 'Christian' and every line comes from the Koran and Hadiths.

And isn't it a strange religion that punishes sex between consenting adults but permits it with the dead?
The full story here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160889/Christian-protestors-taunt-Arab-Americans-pigs-head-stake-Detroit-festival.html
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
All Over Bar the Shouting
As the EU slowly disintegrates and the Germans stand by, ready to take
over the mainland continent at last, I’m reminded of a tale an elderly Uncle
tells of landing recently at CDG, Paris. At the French immigration desk
he took a few moments to locate his passport in his hand-luggage.
“You ‘ave been to France before, Monsieur?” the French immigration officer asks with typical french hauteur.
“Yes I have” the elderly gentleman replies
“Then you should know that you ‘ave to ‘ave your passport ready”
The elderly British gentleman replies “But the last time I was here, I didn’t have to show it.”
“C’est impossible! The British always have to show their passports on arrival in France!”
The elderly British man gives the Frenchman a long hard look. Then quietly explaines “Well, when I came ashore on that Normandy Beach on D-Day in 1944, I couldn’t find any f***ing Frenchmen to show it to…”
Having saved the sundry wops, dagos, spics and frogs from the sausage-munchers twice in one Century, let the buggers save themselves this time.
These continentals need a history lesson occasionally - a bit like the Lufthansa Pilot at Frankfurt, upbraided by Air Traffic Control for requesting take-off clearance in German.
"I am a German pilot, flying a plane of the national airline from an airport in my own Country - why should I speak in English?"
"Because we won the war" answered a BA pilot on final approach!
“You ‘ave been to France before, Monsieur?” the French immigration officer asks with typical french hauteur.
“Yes I have” the elderly gentleman replies
“Then you should know that you ‘ave to ‘ave your passport ready”
The elderly British gentleman replies “But the last time I was here, I didn’t have to show it.”
“C’est impossible! The British always have to show their passports on arrival in France!”
The elderly British man gives the Frenchman a long hard look. Then quietly explaines “Well, when I came ashore on that Normandy Beach on D-Day in 1944, I couldn’t find any f***ing Frenchmen to show it to…”
Having saved the sundry wops, dagos, spics and frogs from the sausage-munchers twice in one Century, let the buggers save themselves this time.
These continentals need a history lesson occasionally - a bit like the Lufthansa Pilot at Frankfurt, upbraided by Air Traffic Control for requesting take-off clearance in German.
"I am a German pilot, flying a plane of the national airline from an airport in my own Country - why should I speak in English?"
"Because we won the war" answered a BA pilot on final approach!
Trust the BBC to fuck it up.
“… the peaceful atmosphere of Ambridge, home of BBC Radio 4 serial The Archers, is turning nastier.
The programme’s acting editor John Yorke, a former executive producer of gritty TV soap EastEnders, has promised to make the plotlines ‘darker and bigger’.”
Having buggered up the nations enjoyment of the Jubillee celebrations, the BBC are now set to ‘modernise’ the Archers, enjoyed by Brits the world over.
So, between now and Christmas, I wonder how many more gays they can cram into the village (it’s a long time since there was only one). We can expect the village divided when the pikeys turn up (for how a rural village really reacts, rather than in BBCworld [or lah-lah-land], go to http://www.meridenraid.org.uk/?p=271) and no doubt there’ll be a sympathetic storyline when the Bull is turned into a mosque.
Perhaps for 2013, they can follow up with how the muslim influx beat up the vicar and threw all the gays off the belltower, how the pikeys were revealed to be running a slave labour camp and, of course, the inevitable sex ring drags in Brian Archer.
Any other storylines you can envisage?
The programme’s acting editor John Yorke, a former executive producer of gritty TV soap EastEnders, has promised to make the plotlines ‘darker and bigger’.”
Having buggered up the nations enjoyment of the Jubillee celebrations, the BBC are now set to ‘modernise’ the Archers, enjoyed by Brits the world over.
So, between now and Christmas, I wonder how many more gays they can cram into the village (it’s a long time since there was only one). We can expect the village divided when the pikeys turn up (for how a rural village really reacts, rather than in BBCworld [or lah-lah-land], go to http://www.meridenraid.org.uk/?p=271) and no doubt there’ll be a sympathetic storyline when the Bull is turned into a mosque.
Perhaps for 2013, they can follow up with how the muslim influx beat up the vicar and threw all the gays off the belltower, how the pikeys were revealed to be running a slave labour camp and, of course, the inevitable sex ring drags in Brian Archer.
Any other storylines you can envisage?
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Time for Cultural Relativism
With the arrest of a second bunch of Muslim perverts in Rochdale, surely the time is fast
approaching when even the most blinkered, PC western establishments
realise that Muslims and the disgusting creed they follow has no place
in the western world?
Muslims owe their allegiance to no nation or other political division, their book of hate orders that they work towards the establishment of a caliphate, a Muslim world where the few non-Muslims they allow to live exist in a state of fiscal and mental servitude.
No Muslim can honestly pledge allegiance and they are permitted to lie if it furthers the aims of Islam. This means they can have no place in the Police, any Armed Forces, the Intelligence Services or the Judiciary. Nor can they have any place in politics and no position that lets the deviants anywhere near young children, especially girls. Neither must they be allowed to teach or preach.
If they cannot pledge allegiance to a nation, then they cannot possibly be citizens of any civilised nation (or America) and must be either Stateless (as the Arab nations have deliberately made the Jordanians that live adjacent to Israel – Palestine has no basis in international law) or accepted back into the hell-holes they claim to have escaped from. By so doing, we can effectively control their movements, remove them from our western airlines and free ourselves of the so-called security shackle they have placed upon us.
Until they sit down, of their own volition, and review their book of hate and all the baggage that goes with it, recognising it is inappropriate for the modern world, that it is not the 6th or 7th Century and needs to accept, for example, that women are mentally equal (and most western women are actually mentally light years ahead of them) and that all men have an equal place and worth on this planet, they must be marginalised and treated as the second-rate, dangerous individuals they are.
This, surely, is the basis of moral relativism and should be the real debate we are having. Are the tenets, actions and cultures of all belief systems equally valid? Of course not or we would still be slaving in Africa (I know Muslims still are, but that just reinforces the argument). Islam is stuck. It has been constructed in such a way that it cannot evolve in the light of changing conditions nor the development of new knowledge (the Koran still claims the world is flat, for f**k’s sake!) and must go the way of all that cannot evolve.
Free men rid England of their oppressors, free men drove the English oppressors out of the US, free men rid us of the Nazis, of the threat from Communism and Fascism. Islam needs to fully understand that word freedom and place it alongside the meaning of Islam. They will find ‘Islam’ wanting. Ultimately, free men will rid us of Islam unless it grows up and joins the modern world.
Muslims owe their allegiance to no nation or other political division, their book of hate orders that they work towards the establishment of a caliphate, a Muslim world where the few non-Muslims they allow to live exist in a state of fiscal and mental servitude.
No Muslim can honestly pledge allegiance and they are permitted to lie if it furthers the aims of Islam. This means they can have no place in the Police, any Armed Forces, the Intelligence Services or the Judiciary. Nor can they have any place in politics and no position that lets the deviants anywhere near young children, especially girls. Neither must they be allowed to teach or preach.
If they cannot pledge allegiance to a nation, then they cannot possibly be citizens of any civilised nation (or America) and must be either Stateless (as the Arab nations have deliberately made the Jordanians that live adjacent to Israel – Palestine has no basis in international law) or accepted back into the hell-holes they claim to have escaped from. By so doing, we can effectively control their movements, remove them from our western airlines and free ourselves of the so-called security shackle they have placed upon us.
Until they sit down, of their own volition, and review their book of hate and all the baggage that goes with it, recognising it is inappropriate for the modern world, that it is not the 6th or 7th Century and needs to accept, for example, that women are mentally equal (and most western women are actually mentally light years ahead of them) and that all men have an equal place and worth on this planet, they must be marginalised and treated as the second-rate, dangerous individuals they are.
This, surely, is the basis of moral relativism and should be the real debate we are having. Are the tenets, actions and cultures of all belief systems equally valid? Of course not or we would still be slaving in Africa (I know Muslims still are, but that just reinforces the argument). Islam is stuck. It has been constructed in such a way that it cannot evolve in the light of changing conditions nor the development of new knowledge (the Koran still claims the world is flat, for f**k’s sake!) and must go the way of all that cannot evolve.
Free men rid England of their oppressors, free men drove the English oppressors out of the US, free men rid us of the Nazis, of the threat from Communism and Fascism. Islam needs to fully understand that word freedom and place it alongside the meaning of Islam. They will find ‘Islam’ wanting. Ultimately, free men will rid us of Islam unless it grows up and joins the modern world.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Sorry Melanie
Sorry Melanie, but no Muslim that follows the teachings of the prophet Mohammed ".. will be aghast and revolted by the behaviour of these men." because these men were just following his example and the teachings of the Koran and the Hadiths.
Better to maintain the contention that this desert cult which places hatred of women far, far closer to its heart than Catholicism has no place in a civilised society.
Sorry Melanie, but no Muslim that follows the teachings of the prophet Mohammed ".. will be aghast and revolted by the behaviour of these men." because these men were just following his example and the teachings of the Koran and the Hadiths.
Better to maintain the contention that this desert cult which places hatred of women far, far closer to its heart than Catholicism has no place in a civilised society.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
The Final Shame of the Mainstream Media
With the nasty Muslim perverts now locked away in one of Her Majesty's Holiday Camps, perhaps Leveson might actually do something useful, stop bothering with the phone hacking (which only bothers the political 'elite' for their own devious ends) and have a good look at the tissue of lies, distortions and omissions that have emanated from the MSM and the DTP.
Not one of our august national organs has had the guts to tell the truth. Not one has had the balls to reveal that all the offenders in this (and all the other similar trials) are Muslims. Not one has had the intellectual stamina to look into the reasons why these vile offences are so prevalent amongst the followers of Mohammed (Piss Be Upon Him).
And why should that be? Not because they are afraid of the cult itself. No, its because they know they are part of the problem. They have remained silent whilst this tide of mentally-servile filth has washed across the continent of Europe. To serve their political masters, they have failed to report the root beliefs of these objectionable aliens. How can the likes of Harmen, Abbott and Greer remain silent about their treatment of women? Why are the serried ranks of shirt-lifters so coy about the basic belief of the camel-jockeys with regard to their particular deviancy? Why is Gary Glitter pilloried at every turn whilst the walking turds that bow to Mecca are left to continue their sordid little kiddie-fiddling lifestyles in peace? Why are all the men-in-dresses from Lambeth Palace and Rome so silent?
And answer came there none.
Not one of our august national organs has had the guts to tell the truth. Not one has had the balls to reveal that all the offenders in this (and all the other similar trials) are Muslims. Not one has had the intellectual stamina to look into the reasons why these vile offences are so prevalent amongst the followers of Mohammed (Piss Be Upon Him).
And why should that be? Not because they are afraid of the cult itself. No, its because they know they are part of the problem. They have remained silent whilst this tide of mentally-servile filth has washed across the continent of Europe. To serve their political masters, they have failed to report the root beliefs of these objectionable aliens. How can the likes of Harmen, Abbott and Greer remain silent about their treatment of women? Why are the serried ranks of shirt-lifters so coy about the basic belief of the camel-jockeys with regard to their particular deviancy? Why is Gary Glitter pilloried at every turn whilst the walking turds that bow to Mecca are left to continue their sordid little kiddie-fiddling lifestyles in peace? Why are all the men-in-dresses from Lambeth Palace and Rome so silent?
And answer came there none.
Let The Slaughter Begin.
Whilst I have no time for the socialist mob that is the BNP,
nevertheless, they are being arrested outside the Liverpool court for
seeking to leaflet the truth about the Muslim scum that follow the
desert pervert in their ways.
Let us not forget either that the Police and the BBC conspired TWICE in attempting to imprison Nick Griffin for telling the truth about these ‘Asians’. So, as far as we are able, let us seek to spread the word far and wide:-
Islam is based upon the rantings of a paedophile who sanctioned the rape of little girls'
who decrees women have only half the mental capacity of men; that slavery is permitted'
that Muslim men have the right to rape those they control with their right hand'
that all non-believers may be killed.
This is not a religion, this is a cult of madmen and I believe it is perfectly in order for all westerners to slaughter these pieces of shit wherever they find them in order to protect their wives and daughters and the civilisation that we have evolved.
Bit steep? It is no more than they claim as their right.
Let us not forget either that the Police and the BBC conspired TWICE in attempting to imprison Nick Griffin for telling the truth about these ‘Asians’. So, as far as we are able, let us seek to spread the word far and wide:-
Islam is based upon the rantings of a paedophile who sanctioned the rape of little girls'
who decrees women have only half the mental capacity of men; that slavery is permitted'
that Muslim men have the right to rape those they control with their right hand'
that all non-believers may be killed.
This is not a religion, this is a cult of madmen and I believe it is perfectly in order for all westerners to slaughter these pieces of shit wherever they find them in order to protect their wives and daughters and the civilisation that we have evolved.
Bit steep? It is no more than they claim as their right.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Up the Fuckwits - Part, the second
So, if the Earth warms and cools on a regular, demonstrable basis, what the fuck has this got to do with us (thats Mankind!)? And why are dullards like Gillard fucking their own Countries with one-sided, anti-Western taxes.?
Stupid Welsh Muff-muncher!!!!
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Any Chance the BBC might air the Truth?
Earth temperature over the years
The following are six graphs of earth temperature from JP Attitude.
Look at each graph and see how why the warmists like to start their
temperature records from 1850. JP Attitude have some excellent
descriptions for each of these graphs.
Is there any chance of the MSM showing graphs such as these to put 'man made global warming' into context? I think we all know the answer to that question.
Is there any chance of the MSM showing graphs such as these to put 'man made global warming' into context? I think we all know the answer to that question.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Wind farms cause global warming!
The UK 'Daily Telegraph' reports
Wind farms can cause climate change, according to new research, that shows for the first time the new technology is already pushing up temperatures.
Usually at night the air closer to the ground becomes colder when the sun goes down and the earth cools.
But on huge wind farms the motion of the turbines mixes the air higher in the atmosphere that is warmer, pushing up the overall temperature.
Satellite data over a large area in Texas, that is now covered by four of the world's largest wind farms, found that over a decade the local temperature went up by almost a centigrade as more turbines are built.
This could have long term effects on wildlife living in the immediate areas of larger wind farms.
It could also affect regional weather patterns as warmer areas affect the formation of cloud and even wind speeds.'
And, of course, it must be true because this is supported by factual data and not by some specious computer programme written to come up with the answer the climatological fuckwits want! Next thing you know, solar panels will be shown to be wearing out the sun!!
Wind farms can cause climate change, according to new research, that shows for the first time the new technology is already pushing up temperatures.
Usually at night the air closer to the ground becomes colder when the sun goes down and the earth cools.
But on huge wind farms the motion of the turbines mixes the air higher in the atmosphere that is warmer, pushing up the overall temperature.
Satellite data over a large area in Texas, that is now covered by four of the world's largest wind farms, found that over a decade the local temperature went up by almost a centigrade as more turbines are built.
This could have long term effects on wildlife living in the immediate areas of larger wind farms.
It could also affect regional weather patterns as warmer areas affect the formation of cloud and even wind speeds.'
And, of course, it must be true because this is supported by factual data and not by some specious computer programme written to come up with the answer the climatological fuckwits want! Next thing you know, solar panels will be shown to be wearing out the sun!!
There is Always Hope
My Uncle was one of the first into Belsen. What was done to the Jewish people must never be forgotten. Those truly of 'the right' know this. The desert sheet-heads must never, ever be allowed to diminish what was done. Iran, especially, must be challenged at every turn. Pricks like Livingstone must be removed from the political scene.
Enjoy the story; go see the movie; never forget.
A Girl With An Apple
(This is a true story and you can find out more by Googling Herman
Rosenblat. He was Bar Mitzvahed at age 75)
August 1942. Piotrkow , Poland ..
The sky was gloomy that morning as we waited anxiously.
All the men, women and children of Piotrkow's Jewish ghetto
had been herded into a square.
Word had gotten around that we were being moved. My father
had only recently died from typhus, which had run rampant
through the crowded ghetto. My greatest fear was that our
family would be separated.
'Whatever you do,' Isidore, my eldest brother, whispered to me,
'don't tell them your age. Say you're sixteen.
'I was tall for a boy of 11, so I could pull it off. That way I
might be deemed valuable as a worker.
An SS man approached me, boots clicking against the cobblestones.
He looked me up and down, and then asked my age.
'Sixteen,' I said. He directed me to the left, where my three
brothers and other healthy young men already stood.
My mother was motioned to the right with the other women, children,
sick and elderly people..
I whispered to Isidore, 'Why?' He didn't answer.
I ran to Mama's side and said I wanted to stay with her.
'No, 'she said sternly.
'Get away. Don't be a nuisance. Go with your brothers.'
She had never spoken so harshly before. But I understood:
She was protecting me. She loved me so much that, just this once,
she pretended not to. It was the last I ever saw of her.
My brothers and I were transported in a cattle car to Germany ...
We arrived at the Buchenwald concentration camp one night later and
were led into a crowded barrack. The next day, we were issued uniforms
and identification numbers.
'Don't call me Herman anymore.' I said to my brothers. 'Call me 94983.'
I was put to work in the camp's crematorium, loading the dead
into a hand-cranked elevator.
I, too, felt dead. Hardened, I had become a number.
Soon, my brothers and I were sent to Schlieben, one of Buchenwald 's
sub-camps near Berlin ....
One morning I thought I heard my mother's voice.
'Son,' she said softly but clearly, I am going to send you an angel.'
Then I woke up. Just a dream. A beautiful dream.
But in this place there could be no angels. There was only work.
And hunger. And fear.
A couple of days later, I was walking around the camp, around the
barracks, near the barbed-wire fence where the guards could not easily
see. I was alone.
On the other side of the fence, I spotted someone: a little girl with light,
almost luminous curls. She was half-hidden behind a birch tree.
I glanced around to make sure no one saw me. I called to her softly
in German. 'Do you have something to eat?'
She didn't understand.
I inched closer to the fence and repeated the question in Polish.
She stepped forward. I was thin and gaunt, with rags wrapped around
my feet, but the girl looked unafraid. In her eyes, I saw life.
She pulled an apple from her woolen jacket and threw it over the fence.
I grabbed the fruit and, as I started to run away, I heard her say faintly,
'I'll see you tomorrow.'
I returned to the same spot by the fence at the same time every day.
She was always there with something for me to eat - a hunk of bread
or, better yet, an apple.
We didn't dare speak or linger. To be caught would mean death for us both.
I didn't know anything about her, just a kind farm girl, except that
she understood Polish. What was her name?
Why was she risking her life for me?
Hope was in such short supply, and this girl on the other side of
the fence gave me some, as nourishing in its way as the bread and
Nearly seven months later, my brothers and I were crammed into a
coal car and shipped to Theresienstadt camp in Czechoslovakia ..
'Don't return,' I told the girl that day. 'We're leaving.'
I turned toward the barracks and didn't look back, didn't even say
good-bye to the little girl whose name I'd never learned,
The girl with the apples.
We were in Theresienstadt for three months. The war was winding down
and Allied forces were closing in, yet my fate seemed sealed.
On May 10, 1945, I was scheduled to die in the gas chamber at 10:00 AM.
In the quiet of dawn, I tried to prepare myself. So many times death
seemed ready to claim me, but somehow I'd survived. Now, it was over.
I thought of my parents. At least, I thought, we will be reunited.
But at 8 am there was a commotion. I heard shouts, and saw people
running every which way through camp. I caught up with my brothers.
Russian troops had liberated the camp! The gates swung open.
Everyone was running, so I did too. Amazingly, all of my brothers
had survived; I'm not sure how. But I knew that the girl with the apples
had been the key to my survival.
In a place where evil seemed triumphant, one person's goodness had
saved my life, had given me hope in a place where there was none.
My mother had promised to send me an angel, and the angel had come.
Eventually I made my way to England where I was sponsored by a
Jewish charity, put up in a hostel with other boys who had survived
the Holocaust and trained in electronics. Then I came to America ,
where my brother Sam had already moved. I served in the U. S. Army
during the Korean War, and returned to New York City after two years.
By August 1957 I'd opened my own electronics repair shop.
I was starting to settle in.
One day, my friend Sid who I knew from England called me.
'I've got a date. She's got a Polish friend. Let's double date.'
A blind date? Nah, that wasn't for me.
But Sid kept pestering me, and a few days later we headed up to the
Bronx to pick up his date and her friend Roma..
I had to admit, for a blind date this wasn't so bad. Roma was a
nurse at a Bronx hospital. She was kind and smart. Beautiful, too,
with swirling brown curls and green, almond-shaped eyes that sparkled
with life.
The four of us drove out to Coney Island . Roma was easy to talk to,
easy to be with. Turned out she was wary of blind dates too!
We were both just doing our friends a favor. We took a stroll on the
boardwalk, enjoying the salty Atlantic breeze, and then had dinner by
the shore. I couldn't remember having a better time.
We piled back into Sid's car, Roma and I sharing the backseat.
As European Jews who had survived the war, we were aware that much
had been left unsaid between us. She broached the subject,
'Where were you,' she asked softly, 'during the war?'
'The camps,' I said. The terrible memories still vivid, the irreparable loss..
I had tried to forget. But you can never forget.
She nodded. 'My family was hiding on a farm in Germany ,
not far from Berlin ,' she told me.. 'My father knew a priest,
and he got us Aryan papers.'
I imagined how she must have suffered too, fear, a constant companion.
And yet here we were both survivors, in a new world.
'There was a camp next to the farm.' Roma continued. 'I saw a boy
there and I would throw him apples every day.'
What an amazing coincidence that she had helped some other boy.
'What did he look like? I asked.
He was tall, skinny, and hungry. I must have seen him every day for
six months.'
My heart was racing. I couldn't believe it.
This couldn't be.
'Did he tell you one day not to come back because he was leaving Schlieben?'
Roma looked at me in amazement. 'Yes!'
'That was me!'
I was ready to burst with joy and awe, flooded with emotions.
I couldn't believe it! My angel.
'I'm not letting you go.' I said to Roma. And in the back of the car
on that blind date, I proposed to her. I didn't want to wait.
'You're crazy!' she said. But she invited me to meet her parents for
Shabbat dinner the following week.
There was so much I looked forward to learning about Roma,
but the most important things I always knew: her steadfastness, her
goodness. For many months, in the worst of circumstances, she had come
to the fence and given me hope. Now that I'd found her again, I could
never let her go.
That day, she said yes. And I kept my word. After nearly 50 years of
marriage, two children and three grandchildren, I have never let her go.
Herman Rosenblat of Miami Beach , Florida
This story is being made into a movie called The Fence.
Enjoy the story; go see the movie; never forget.
A Girl With An Apple
(This is a true story and you can find out more by Googling Herman
Rosenblat. He was Bar Mitzvahed at age 75)
August 1942. Piotrkow , Poland ..
The sky was gloomy that morning as we waited anxiously.
All the men, women and children of Piotrkow's Jewish ghetto
had been herded into a square.
Word had gotten around that we were being moved. My father
had only recently died from typhus, which had run rampant
through the crowded ghetto. My greatest fear was that our
family would be separated.
'Whatever you do,' Isidore, my eldest brother, whispered to me,
'don't tell them your age. Say you're sixteen.
'I was tall for a boy of 11, so I could pull it off. That way I
might be deemed valuable as a worker.
An SS man approached me, boots clicking against the cobblestones.
He looked me up and down, and then asked my age.
'Sixteen,' I said. He directed me to the left, where my three
brothers and other healthy young men already stood.
My mother was motioned to the right with the other women, children,
sick and elderly people..
I whispered to Isidore, 'Why?' He didn't answer.
I ran to Mama's side and said I wanted to stay with her.
'No, 'she said sternly.
'Get away. Don't be a nuisance. Go with your brothers.'
She had never spoken so harshly before. But I understood:
She was protecting me. She loved me so much that, just this once,
she pretended not to. It was the last I ever saw of her.
My brothers and I were transported in a cattle car to Germany ...
We arrived at the Buchenwald concentration camp one night later and
were led into a crowded barrack. The next day, we were issued uniforms
and identification numbers.
'Don't call me Herman anymore.' I said to my brothers. 'Call me 94983.'
I was put to work in the camp's crematorium, loading the dead
into a hand-cranked elevator.
I, too, felt dead. Hardened, I had become a number.
Soon, my brothers and I were sent to Schlieben, one of Buchenwald 's
sub-camps near Berlin ....
One morning I thought I heard my mother's voice.
'Son,' she said softly but clearly, I am going to send you an angel.'
Then I woke up. Just a dream. A beautiful dream.
But in this place there could be no angels. There was only work.
And hunger. And fear.
A couple of days later, I was walking around the camp, around the
barracks, near the barbed-wire fence where the guards could not easily
see. I was alone.
On the other side of the fence, I spotted someone: a little girl with light,
almost luminous curls. She was half-hidden behind a birch tree.
I glanced around to make sure no one saw me. I called to her softly
in German. 'Do you have something to eat?'
She didn't understand.
I inched closer to the fence and repeated the question in Polish.
She stepped forward. I was thin and gaunt, with rags wrapped around
my feet, but the girl looked unafraid. In her eyes, I saw life.
She pulled an apple from her woolen jacket and threw it over the fence.
I grabbed the fruit and, as I started to run away, I heard her say faintly,
'I'll see you tomorrow.'
I returned to the same spot by the fence at the same time every day.
She was always there with something for me to eat - a hunk of bread
or, better yet, an apple.
We didn't dare speak or linger. To be caught would mean death for us both.
I didn't know anything about her, just a kind farm girl, except that
she understood Polish. What was her name?
Why was she risking her life for me?
Hope was in such short supply, and this girl on the other side of
the fence gave me some, as nourishing in its way as the bread and
Nearly seven months later, my brothers and I were crammed into a
coal car and shipped to Theresienstadt camp in Czechoslovakia ..
'Don't return,' I told the girl that day. 'We're leaving.'
I turned toward the barracks and didn't look back, didn't even say
good-bye to the little girl whose name I'd never learned,
The girl with the apples.
We were in Theresienstadt for three months. The war was winding down
and Allied forces were closing in, yet my fate seemed sealed.
On May 10, 1945, I was scheduled to die in the gas chamber at 10:00 AM.
In the quiet of dawn, I tried to prepare myself. So many times death
seemed ready to claim me, but somehow I'd survived. Now, it was over.
I thought of my parents. At least, I thought, we will be reunited.
But at 8 am there was a commotion. I heard shouts, and saw people
running every which way through camp. I caught up with my brothers.
Russian troops had liberated the camp! The gates swung open.
Everyone was running, so I did too. Amazingly, all of my brothers
had survived; I'm not sure how. But I knew that the girl with the apples
had been the key to my survival.
In a place where evil seemed triumphant, one person's goodness had
saved my life, had given me hope in a place where there was none.
My mother had promised to send me an angel, and the angel had come.
Eventually I made my way to England where I was sponsored by a
Jewish charity, put up in a hostel with other boys who had survived
the Holocaust and trained in electronics. Then I came to America ,
where my brother Sam had already moved. I served in the U. S. Army
during the Korean War, and returned to New York City after two years.
By August 1957 I'd opened my own electronics repair shop.
I was starting to settle in.
One day, my friend Sid who I knew from England called me.
'I've got a date. She's got a Polish friend. Let's double date.'
A blind date? Nah, that wasn't for me.
But Sid kept pestering me, and a few days later we headed up to the
Bronx to pick up his date and her friend Roma..
I had to admit, for a blind date this wasn't so bad. Roma was a
nurse at a Bronx hospital. She was kind and smart. Beautiful, too,
with swirling brown curls and green, almond-shaped eyes that sparkled
with life.
The four of us drove out to Coney Island . Roma was easy to talk to,
easy to be with. Turned out she was wary of blind dates too!
We were both just doing our friends a favor. We took a stroll on the
boardwalk, enjoying the salty Atlantic breeze, and then had dinner by
the shore. I couldn't remember having a better time.
We piled back into Sid's car, Roma and I sharing the backseat.
As European Jews who had survived the war, we were aware that much
had been left unsaid between us. She broached the subject,
'Where were you,' she asked softly, 'during the war?'
'The camps,' I said. The terrible memories still vivid, the irreparable loss..
I had tried to forget. But you can never forget.
She nodded. 'My family was hiding on a farm in Germany ,
not far from Berlin ,' she told me.. 'My father knew a priest,
and he got us Aryan papers.'
I imagined how she must have suffered too, fear, a constant companion.
And yet here we were both survivors, in a new world.
'There was a camp next to the farm.' Roma continued. 'I saw a boy
there and I would throw him apples every day.'
What an amazing coincidence that she had helped some other boy.
'What did he look like? I asked.
He was tall, skinny, and hungry. I must have seen him every day for
six months.'
My heart was racing. I couldn't believe it.
This couldn't be.
'Did he tell you one day not to come back because he was leaving Schlieben?'
Roma looked at me in amazement. 'Yes!'
'That was me!'
I was ready to burst with joy and awe, flooded with emotions.
I couldn't believe it! My angel.
'I'm not letting you go.' I said to Roma. And in the back of the car
on that blind date, I proposed to her. I didn't want to wait.
'You're crazy!' she said. But she invited me to meet her parents for
Shabbat dinner the following week.
There was so much I looked forward to learning about Roma,
but the most important things I always knew: her steadfastness, her
goodness. For many months, in the worst of circumstances, she had come
to the fence and given me hope. Now that I'd found her again, I could
never let her go.
That day, she said yes. And I kept my word. After nearly 50 years of
marriage, two children and three grandchildren, I have never let her go.
Herman Rosenblat of Miami Beach , Florida
This story is being made into a movie called The Fence.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Wrong Again (How long before a few more governments get the message)
The warmers clearly don't like the truth. As the graph below shows, year after year, the climate change models, upon which much of the governments policy is based, are proven to be wrong. Put simply, the real world stubbornly refuses to agree with the computers.
All most inconvenient for the warmists as they have to keep chnaging their predictions and finding more cute furry animals we'll soon wipe out if we don't change our ways (as the last lot are breeding like the proverbial rabbits). Actually, its not the warmists I feel sorry for but all the elderly forced to decide whether to 'eat or heat'. In the UK, 1,876 patients were treated in hospital for hypothermia in 2010/11, up from 950 in 2006/07. The number of sufferers who died within 30 days of admission shot up from 135 to 260.
Let us be brutally honest, the legacy of the green movement is death. Dead Old Folk in Britain because inflated power bills are being used to fund ineffective windfarms. Burned people in Victoria, Aus. because the greens opposed back-burning and the clearance of forest litter to protect mice, snakes and insects - then when the fires started, they couldn't be extinguished. Drowned people in Brisbane, where the dams were kept full because the warmists claimed there would be no more rain and then the deluge overflowed the dam gates in an uncontrolled manner.
Everywhere you look, Luddites are opposing advancement, not like the originals, from a self-serving standpoint but from an anti-business, anti-western soft-left position backed by an absence of commonsense and scientific fact. They are blind, like all lefties, and truly fucking stupid.
Fact: There is no evidence for AGW.
Fact: Sea levels are NOT rising
Fact: The IPCC is not the fount of all knowledge, it is a biased, corrupt body of lying self-interest groups.
If greens REALLY cared for the planet and wanted to protect wildlife habitats, they'd campaign for strict controls on population growth in Africa and the Far East. But then, thats a bit intolerant, isn't it?
All most inconvenient for the warmists as they have to keep chnaging their predictions and finding more cute furry animals we'll soon wipe out if we don't change our ways (as the last lot are breeding like the proverbial rabbits). Actually, its not the warmists I feel sorry for but all the elderly forced to decide whether to 'eat or heat'. In the UK, 1,876 patients were treated in hospital for hypothermia in 2010/11, up from 950 in 2006/07. The number of sufferers who died within 30 days of admission shot up from 135 to 260.
Let us be brutally honest, the legacy of the green movement is death. Dead Old Folk in Britain because inflated power bills are being used to fund ineffective windfarms. Burned people in Victoria, Aus. because the greens opposed back-burning and the clearance of forest litter to protect mice, snakes and insects - then when the fires started, they couldn't be extinguished. Drowned people in Brisbane, where the dams were kept full because the warmists claimed there would be no more rain and then the deluge overflowed the dam gates in an uncontrolled manner.
Everywhere you look, Luddites are opposing advancement, not like the originals, from a self-serving standpoint but from an anti-business, anti-western soft-left position backed by an absence of commonsense and scientific fact. They are blind, like all lefties, and truly fucking stupid.
Fact: There is no evidence for AGW.
Fact: Sea levels are NOT rising
Fact: The IPCC is not the fount of all knowledge, it is a biased, corrupt body of lying self-interest groups.
If greens REALLY cared for the planet and wanted to protect wildlife habitats, they'd campaign for strict controls on population growth in Africa and the Far East. But then, thats a bit intolerant, isn't it?
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