Monday, 20 August 2012


I wonder if there is hope yet?  Are the brain-dead not as stupid as we have been led to believe?

I think it can be accurately paraphrased as “If you act like shit, you will ultimately be wiped off the heel of humanity”

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Has the Sun Fried Willy-boys Brain?

Can it really be true that Britain is making this threat?  Do they not realise the implications?  The only nation I can think of that attacked an Embassy was Iran and it remains a pariah State.  For fucks sake, even the North Koreans play nicely where embassies are concerned!

Does Hague actually plan to cede the moral high ground and endanger every western diplomat on the planet who operates in a so-called oppressive regime?  Can he actually be that fucking stupid? 

Article 22 of the Vienna Convention states:

The premises of a diplomatic mission, such as an embassy, are inviolate and must not be entered by the host country except by permission of the head of the mission. Furthermore, the host country must protect the mission from intrusion or damage. The host country must never search the premises, nor seize its documents or property.

Is that clear enough for you and your TIU?  No big words there, even your thick pointy-hatted bullies should be able to understand.  Tell Plod to have a fucking good look at the second sentence - Ecuadorians are South American, they're nearly black!  That means you have to fawn over them, make special allowances and turn a blind eye when they break the law - which they haven't.  All they've done is allow the world's biggest gossip to lodge with them for protection because powerful people have been embarrassed by his tittle-tattle.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

The God-botherers are upset

actually, thoroughly and righteously pissed off would be more accurate:-   (there are versions for Catholics and Evangelicals as well)

No wonder the Obamamessiah is spending so much time on the golf course - he'll have f**k all else to do after November.  All those Christians being urged to vote for a Mormon.  Just shows the depth of hatred and division he has created in four short years.