Saturday, 12 May 2012

Time for Cultural Relativism

With the arrest of a second bunch of Muslim perverts in Rochdale, surely the time is fast approaching when even the most blinkered, PC western establishments realise that Muslims and the disgusting creed they follow has no place in the western world?

Muslims owe their allegiance to no nation or other political division, their book of hate orders that they work towards the establishment of a caliphate, a Muslim world where the few non-Muslims they allow to live exist in a state of fiscal and mental servitude.

No Muslim can honestly pledge allegiance and they are permitted to lie if it furthers the aims of Islam. This means they can have no place in the Police, any Armed Forces, the Intelligence Services or the Judiciary. Nor can they have any place in politics and no position that lets the deviants anywhere near young children, especially girls. Neither must they be allowed to teach or preach.

If they cannot pledge allegiance to a nation, then they cannot possibly be citizens of any civilised nation (or America) and must be either Stateless (as the Arab nations have deliberately made the Jordanians that live adjacent to Israel – Palestine has no basis in international law) or accepted back into the hell-holes they claim to have escaped from. By so doing, we can effectively control their movements, remove them from our western airlines and free ourselves of the so-called security shackle they have placed upon us.

Until they sit down, of their own volition, and review their book of hate and all the baggage that goes with it, recognising it is inappropriate for the modern world, that it is not the 6th or 7th Century and needs to accept, for example, that women are mentally equal (and most western women are actually mentally light years ahead of them) and that all men have an equal place and worth on this planet, they must be marginalised and treated as the second-rate, dangerous individuals they are.

This, surely, is the basis of moral relativism and should be the real debate we are having. Are the tenets, actions and cultures of all belief systems equally valid? Of course not or we would still be slaving in Africa (I know Muslims still are, but that just reinforces the argument). Islam is stuck. It has been constructed in such a way that it cannot evolve in the light of changing conditions nor the development of new knowledge (the Koran still claims the world is flat, for f**k’s sake!) and must go the way of all that cannot evolve.

Free men rid England of their oppressors, free men drove the English oppressors out of the US, free men rid us of the Nazis, of the threat from Communism and Fascism. Islam needs to fully understand that word freedom and place it alongside the meaning of Islam. They will find ‘Islam’ wanting. Ultimately, free men will rid us of Islam unless it grows up and joins the modern world.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Sorry Melanie

Sorry Melanie, but no Muslim that follows the teachings of the prophet Mohammed  ".. will be aghast and revolted by the behaviour of these men."  because these men were just following his example and the teachings of the Koran and the Hadiths.

Better to maintain the contention that this desert cult which places hatred of women far, far closer to its heart  than Catholicism has no place in a civilised society.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The Final Shame of the Mainstream Media

With the nasty Muslim perverts now locked away in one of Her Majesty's Holiday Camps, perhaps Leveson might actually do something useful, stop bothering with the phone hacking (which only bothers the political 'elite' for their own devious ends) and have a good look at the tissue of lies, distortions and omissions that have emanated from the MSM and the DTP.

Not one of our august national organs has had the guts to tell the truth.  Not one has had the balls to reveal that all the offenders in this (and all the other similar trials) are Muslims.  Not one has had the intellectual stamina to look into the reasons why these vile offences are so prevalent amongst the followers of Mohammed (Piss Be Upon Him).

And why should that be?  Not because they are afraid of the cult itself.  No, its because they know they are part of the problem.  They have remained silent whilst this tide of mentally-servile filth has washed across the continent of Europe.  To serve their political masters, they have failed to report the root beliefs of these objectionable aliens.  How can the likes of Harmen, Abbott and Greer remain silent about their treatment of women?  Why are the serried ranks of shirt-lifters so coy about the basic belief of the camel-jockeys with regard to their particular deviancy?  Why is Gary Glitter pilloried at every turn whilst the walking turds that bow to Mecca are left to continue their sordid little kiddie-fiddling lifestyles in peace?  Why are all the men-in-dresses from Lambeth Palace and Rome so silent?

And answer came there none.

Let The Slaughter Begin.

Whilst I have no time for the socialist mob that is the BNP, nevertheless, they are being arrested outside the Liverpool court for seeking to leaflet the truth about the Muslim scum that follow the desert pervert in their ways.

Let us not forget either that the Police and the BBC conspired TWICE in attempting to imprison Nick Griffin for telling the truth about these ‘Asians’. So, as far as we are able, let us seek to spread the word far and wide:-

Islam is based upon the rantings of a paedophile who sanctioned the rape of little girls'
who decrees women have only half the mental capacity of men; that slavery is permitted'
that Muslim men have the right to rape those they control with their right hand'
that all non-believers may be killed.

This is not a religion, this is a cult of madmen and I believe it is perfectly in order for all westerners to slaughter these pieces of shit wherever they find them in order to protect their wives and daughters and the civilisation that we have evolved.

Bit steep? It is no more than they claim as their right.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Up the Fuckwits - Part, the second

Further to yesterday's post, have a look at this single graph from New Scientist magazine...

So, if the Earth warms and cools on a regular, demonstrable basis, what the fuck has this got to do with us (thats Mankind!)?  And why are dullards like Gillard fucking their own Countries with one-sided, anti-Western taxes.?

Stupid Welsh Muff-muncher!!!!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Any Chance the BBC might air the Truth?

Earth temperature over the years

The following are six graphs of earth temperature from JP Attitude. Look at each graph and see how why the warmists like to start their temperature records from 1850. JP Attitude have some excellent descriptions for each of these graphs.

Is there any chance of the MSM showing graphs such as these to put 'man made global warming' into context? I think we all know the answer to that question.