Sunday, 30 October 2011

Do you realise you're fully fucked yet?

Democracy went down in a blaze of glory last week. Both the German Bundestag and our own House of Commons put up one hell of a fight against the dying of the light. Maybe history will record that fact in an elegy on the demise of the great 18th-century experiment in government by the people: they were eloquent to the end. Because at the end, eloquence was all they had.
Trying to hold back the resurgence of oligarchy – the final dismantling of democratic responsibility in the governing of Europe – has been looking pretty hopeless for a long time. That eruption of excellent rhetoric and faultless argument which sprang to the defence of the rights of the governed (and in Germany’s case, of constitutional legality) made the loss seem all the more tragic, but no less inevitable.
So this is where we are. The agreed EU “stability union” triumphantly paraded before the media in Brussels will have the power to approve or disapprove budgets of countries in the eurozone – that is, to vet and police them – before they are submitted to the elected parliaments of those countries. In other words, parliaments which are directly mandated by, and answerable to, their own populations will not control the most essential functions of government: decisions on taxation and spending. Even without the ultimate institutions of economic and political union, which still elude the EU, actual power over fiscal policy will be taken from the hands of national leaders. And if, as a voter, you cannot influence your prospective government’s tax and spending policies, what exactly are you voting for?
Britain being outside the eurozone, we will not have to present our fiscal arrangements for authorisation before submitting them to the scrutiny of our legislators (and their constituents). But since our own economic recovery relies so heavily on the stability of the euro, we find ourselves (or at least, George Osborne has found himself) enthusiastically supporting this rape of democratic principle in countries which regard their freedom and self-determination as precious in much the same way, remarkably enough, that free-born Englishmen do.
And among those hapless, soon-to-be-disenfranchised peoples, hatreds have been awakened that the EU was, ironically, designed to bury. The Greeks hugely resent what they consider to be the implicitly racist contempt of the Germans: the political opposition in Athens on both Left and Right rejects the idea of being “bailed out” of a crisis (with all the compliance that entails) that they believe to have been caused by the artificial constraints of euro membership rather than by national character flaws. Even their moderate spokesmen are beginning to characterise Germany’s economic impositions as a revival of its wartime attempt at conquest.

The Inconvenient Truth

They can twist and turn, change the names of their organisations, do whatever they like but the truth is the commie bastards lost out when the Berlin Wall fell; they moved on and invented Climate Change as the new religion of the left.  And like communism, its a load of bollocks.

From the BBC down to the lowliest Parish Council, the proponents of this new religion have sought to fool us into fucking our society until we were left living in tents.

But, no matter how they try, the science just keeps beating them.  So, piss on your recycling bin, rev your petrol guzzler and make sure you don’t vote for any twat that says the world is going to end any time soon.

Because if it is, a sure as eggs is eggs, there’s fuck all man can do about it.

Saturday, 29 October 2011


I wonder why this is not attracting any attention in the Dead Tree Press?  Take a trrip to Bradford, Rochdale or Birmingham and you'll find out.

Now, I don't consider myself Islamophobic.  The definition of phobia is given as :-

A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος, Phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.[1]

 I don't consider fear of Islam irrational.  As a westerner, I consider it a life-threatening, oppresive, anti-freedom, death cult.  Having worked with them, I'm not phobic - I'm frightened shitless they're getting their own evil way without any opposition from our gutless politicians.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Friday Golf

Been a busy few days, with a trip down to the ‘big town’ Brisvegas to pick up the Prado, Friday piss-heads Golf and news the visa for Chad has been issued.

Heavy morning on the ‘net sorting out flights back to the UK – onward flights arranged weeks ago.  All sorted now, just hotels to arrange and I’ll be off the Heart of Africa to find out if it lives up to all my prejudices!  Guess I’ll have to start studying the brief now to find out what the Client wants!!!

At least I’ll have time for another Fridays’ Golf.  Miles from nowhere, we have this great little 9 hole course, with irrigation and water features and a smashing little Clubhouse.  Often during the week, you can play a round and see nobody, hear nothing except the occasional, distant rumble of the RoadTrains.  But Fridays there’s a gathering of the semi-retired, retired and bone-idle around 2:30.  A few stiffeners to start, buy a chilled 6-pack each at a special rate, into the coollers with the free ice and off we go.  Enough buggies to ride around on (well, you don’t want to walk in this heat) and 18 holes to play (9 every week –  we don’t want to wear ourselves out.  The 4th tee is by the Clubhouse, so if you’ve been particularly thirsty you can get another top-up.

No dress code, no silly rules and none of the stuffy bollocks you find in the UK (mentioning no names Blackdown, Rugby et al).  Just a bunch of gentle drunks playing a fun game for a few dollars.  Most of these old buggers have single figure handicaps with me still on 34.  The buggers won’t let me play for money as the scoring means I’d clean up (don’t ask me how, no idea.  Stableford is a mystery to me)  

Of course, most go home pissed in this nation of virulent anti-drink driving.  The local bobby was reputed to have told his Chief when tasked with dealing with them “You fuck off – I have to live with them.  My back-up is 70kms east, 150kms west, nowt north and fuck-all south.  They haven’t as much as run a cat over in the 10 years I’ve been here.  So bollocks.  Sir”

And so the odd Golf buggy can be seen wending its gentle way home as the stars appear.

And talking of bollocks, I notice that deluded pillock Bliar claimed today that unfettered immigration has had "a positive effect of the UK"
He's right there - it's positively fucked the place!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Road trip

Off to Brisbane tomorrow (the big city) to meet up with SB and collect new wheels.  Weathermen are predicting a summer as bad as last year so have done a deal on a tidy Prado.   is the place to go for a good cheap 4WD

If you're tripping out from the UK, buying a cheap set of wheels can be cheaper than a hire car (especially for backpackers)  Aussie rego (road tax) includes basic insurance, so a ready to go car is just that - ready to go.  And Aussie cars (Falcons, Commodores) are built for the roads.  Just don't buy a red one.

Three Aussies in a bar discussing their cars.

Ocker 1 says I've got a Falcon, its deep metallic blue and I call it Blue Thunder.

Ocker 2 says Well I've got a Falcon, its Diamond White and I call it White Lightening.

Ocker 3 says (sheepishly) I've got a Falcon as well.  And I call it Clitoris 'cos its bright red and every cunts got one!

Bloody Eurozone

Well, I toddle off to bed at a sensible hour here and the stock market is rising nicely, Cameron and his slap-head mate are on a plane and can’t cause any more f**king trouble, so all is well with the world.

Then you wake up to find Teacozy and the HausFrau (that even Bellasconi claims is unf**kable) have screwed everything up yet again.  This is the third time in a Century we’ve had to extract the Frogs from the shit and each time its been their own pride coupled with German expansionism that has put them there.  Well, thank fuck I’m the other side of the planet and my taxes aren’t going to be pissed away saving the Euro-project – France and Germany’s latest plan to try and rule the world.

Send the pair of them to Elba and they can spend the rest of their lives trying to shaft each other but leave the rest of us out of it.  The rebels were right Monday night and Cameron has just blown the next election.  Its UKIP’s if they want it.